Thursday, June 11, 2009


The story 'All Avoidable Talk' is an interesting , humourous piece about belief in predictions . Sastri had been warned by his friend to 'avoid all avoidable talk' for a day . The stars were out to trouble him, and even the mildest of his remarks was likely to offend and lead to a quarrel. The planets were set against him and this terrified him beyond all description . Sastri took his friend's advice so seriously that he refused to converse with anyone . Neither did he scold his children for their misdeeds nor did he lose his temper at the tram conductor . Sastri worked in a jewellery shop . He had worked in this shop for twenty years . On arriving late for work , he was scolded by his master , but sastri kept his cool and did not react . As the day progressed , a coustomer came to sastri and enquired if the diamond jewellery could be set in platinum . Sastri said that he didn't know whether it could be done . This angered the coustomer , who in turn reported the matter to the master . Sastri was reprimanded by his master for his poor customer service . By the end of the day , ASastri was so upset with the day's proceedings , that he decided to resign from his job , come what may. By a strange turn of events , he changes his mind .
Sastri went to his master's house to let him know that he was fed up with the job and that he wished to resign . But before he could speak , his master pardoned him for his misbehaviour at the shop as he felt sastri had come to apologize for his misconduct . Hence , sastri managed to save his skin and felt he had triumphed over his stars that day.

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